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Save big on your mortgage with a
lump sum transaction.

Dear ~Contact.FirstName~,

Can you believe it's been almost one year since you purchased your home! 

I hope it has proven to be everything you had hoped for and more.  If you have any questions about your mortgage, or are in need of additional mortgage funds, please don't hesitate to contact me today.  I'd be pleased to discuss your options with you.

Benefits of a lump sum transaction: With your one-year anniversary approaching, I wanted to see if you had considered a lump sum transaction.  Paying a lump sum to your mortgage, especially in the early years, can be a great way to reduce your principle balance.  That means big savings in the long term!  Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss other benefits, or if you would like more information on how to do a lump sum transaction.

Have a friend or family member looking at their mortgage options?  Please go to our referral page to put them into contact with me (or simply pass our information along).  I'd be pleased to go over their options with them, and help them find the best rate possible.  Our referral page is easy: simply input your friend or family member's email address, and we'll send along an introductory email.

Thanks so much,


This email was sent by The Mortgage Group. 2788 St-Joseph Boulevard, Lower Unit, Ottawa, Ontario, K4C 1G5